• delivering EXCELLENCE
  • generating HOPE
  • providing DIGNITY
  • fuelling AMBITION

Integration, that’s the name of the game.

Integration, that’s the name of the game.

Since the turn of the year we have made huge strides in the development of our Custody to Community model, extending our programmes in our custody settings and strengthening routes into our community programmes for those leaving custody. Our Chief Operating Officer, Simon Murphy, explains about the recent developments that reinforce Street Soccer Academy’s operations in helping individuals move from isolation to integration.

The end of 2022 saw us make some heavyweight appointments that allowed us to extend our programme in our Greater Manchester based custody programme. This has allowed us to introduce an additional course based on our streetfit programme and will see our intake double over our previous capacity based on our single streetsoccer programme. By engaging with us on our programmes learners undertake a Coach Education & Personal Development Programme, developing both work-related and essential life skills. Whilst on our course learners are also given access to help and advice from our resettlement partners in order to prepare for release, to ensure essential needs (housing, access to legitimate income and appropriate healthcare) are taken care of.

To assist in the resettlement of learners we have further developed our services by introducing the SSA Connections Centre into the custody facility. Through this service both learners on our programmes and other inmates from the general population are able to work alongside our dedicated staff member to ensure that everyone has access to the vital connections that are required in the transition from custody to community life. The methodology of working with service users whilst in custody, through the gate, into community is seen as key in giving individuals the best opportunity for successful resettlement. The deployment of the additional resources to extend our courses and introduce the additional service of the SSA Connections Centre will see our number of beneficiaries increase in actual terms, with the hope that our success in terms of resettlement is enhanced *

Further details of our Custody to Community Programme are available on the Justice Services page of our website or by telephoning SSA HQ on: 01204 963972


* since 2011 Street Soccer Academy has been able to report annual reoffending rates of sub 10% for those engaging in their Custody to Community Programme. This compares to a national average of approx. 25% reported by the Ministry of Justice 


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